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Phosphorous Removal

Disk Filter Phosphorous Removal Pilot, Wisconsin

Facility: Wisconsin Wastewater Treatment Plant
Technology: Nuove Energie Ultrascreen

Our team was approached by a consulting engineer with
an upcoming phosphorous removal project for a Wisconsin
municipality. The wastewater treatment facility is subject to Wisconsin River Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) effluent phosphorus limits and would be subject to increasingly stringent limits, which will become effective in July 2023.


Additionally, a new wastewater treatment facility is being
designed due to issues with flooding and overloading at the
existing site. Construction for the new site is anticipated to
take place beginning in spring of 2024.

Project Goals:

  • The pilot study must show that effluent phosphorus can be
    removed to the following levels.
    - Anticipated lowest effluent phosphorus concentration:
    0.25 mg/L.
    - Maximum hydraulic loading to the filters shall be 5 gpm/sf.


  • The study should include sufficient testing to document
    the required coagulant and flocculent doses for the lowest
    effluent concentration and the range of additional effluent
    concentrations presented.


  • It is anticipated that influent phosphorus concentrations to
    the filter will range between 0.6 mg/L to 1.5 mg/L.

nuove pilot reedsburg wisconsin
multiple pictures of wastewater treatment pilot test

The ICS Group worked with the Nuove Energie representative and Wastewater Plant Operator to coordinate and execute the phosphorous removal pilot. Request the results in our full report below. 

WI Phosphorous Removal Pilot

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